Freesia Bulbs


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Freesias have exotic-looking blooms, which are loved for their strong spicy-sweet fragrance. Funnel-shaped, the flowers are borne in dense, branching clusters on slender stems 30-60 cm high, above long narrow green leaves, and come in a wonderful range of colors. Freesias grow from bulb-like corms which can be grown in pots or planted in borders outside.
How to Grow :
Well-drained soil or potting compost is essential as freesias are likely to rot in heavy or waterlogged soil. In pots, use a soil-based potting compost mixed with around a quarter to a third by volume of coarse grit.Plant the long, slender freesia corms pointy-end up, at a depth of 3-5cm, and spaced 5cm apart.Planting time depends on whether you’re growing freesias for indoor or outdoor flowering. For indoor growing, plant corms in autumn to bloom in late winter.Once planted, water well and then stand the pot in a cool, shaded, frost-free place – a temperature of around 5°C is ideal. After 3-4 weeks when shoots appear, move into a warmer and sunny position.
  • 20 bulbs mix colors
  • Easy growing
  • low maintenance
  • winter crops
  • Fungicide treated